In light of recent allegations in various media and press releases by the campaign group BADGE and Possibility People, and to ensure that the council has not fallen into disrepute, this Committee requests that the Chief Executive: -


  1. Asks the Equality and Human Rights Commission to instigate an investigation into the council such that the allegations can be fully assessed and independently reported on; and


  1. Asks the Local Government Association to review and report on the allegations regarding claims made in bids to Central Government for monies from the Emergency Active Travel Fund.


Proposed by: Cllr. Wares                                         Seconded by: Cllr. Brown


Supporting information

In a public statement on the 21st August (and subsequently published in The Argus (, a newly formed group called Brighton Access for Disabled Groups Everywhere (BADGE) made serious allegations that the council contravened the Equalities Act 2010 and made inaccurate statements in its bids to Government for public funds relating to the Covid-19 transport response. Specifically they said: -

“The specific measures within various TRO’s have introduced, by stealth, Curfews and Movement Restrictions which we believe are a discrimination against disabled people, according to The Equalities Act 2010. The current Consultation, which the Council refers to as a ‘Survey’ is inaccessible to many, and prior to BADGE making initial contact with all Councillors on 12th August, it was confirmed at our meeting that there has been no consultation with specific stakeholders representing Disability: Equalities and Accessibility. This is in stark contrast to the Council’s Reports submitted to the ETS Committee in June and to the official Funding Bids presented to central Government and the confirmation that weekly Advisory Group meetings have been taking place as part of the ongoing LCWIP (cycling and walking plans) since before the Covid Pandemic, which has included interested parties from cycling and walking organisations, but no specific Disabilities representation.”


Possibility People also issued a strong rebuttal on 27th August


In email correspondence between the proposer and Bricycles, they advised that Bricycles had not been consulted on the design of the schemes.